Thursday 28 November 2013


These were the points which I received from Crit yesterday.

Storyboard Changes:

Sort out the text in the storyboard (get rid of the word 'likely', don't repeat the navigation on each page if its the same - sort out some of the navigation so that it is pinching rather than swiping across)
For the room like with the Man and the typewriter instead of having 2 separate images in the storyboard, have a box around the bit that changes (the rubbish in the bin) - there is no need to repeat the images
Sort out the blurriness of the images on the storyboard
Make some of the visuals brighter - pick out the best scenes and make the other match up to that

Video Changes:

Either just have the iPad instead of the background OR come up with a decent background - try to jazz it up a bit
Sort out the pace of the video and make it some of it a bit slower - there are points in the video where it jumps and goes really quick
Have the pinch fingers in some of the navigation instead of swipe
Show a bit more of the rooms with the interactivity
Include sound - sound effects
Arrows or text to indicate the navigation
Have the speech bubbles appear once the scene has appeared rather than automatically on there
Instead of the typewriter typing 'hello', have it do a random word like this: nbfbjksdmncakms

Friday 22 November 2013

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Brighton Trip - Cogapp and Clearleft

Yesterday we all went on a trip to Brighton to visit Cogapp and Clearleft.

At Cogapp we learnt about Information Architecture, which was really interesting as well as also doing some group work with organising information into different categories.

Information Architecture - getting content and organising it so that it makes sense to the user. 

L ocation           - geographical, medical
A lphabetical      - good for organising huge amount of information
T ime                - History, organising things like a blog
C ategory           - Most complicated
H ierarchy          - by order or number/ most popular

"I found the visit to Cogapp interesting and informative. When I arrived there I wasn't overly sure as to what an Information Architect was but on leaving I had a clear idea as to what the role involved. Also it was useful looking at different ways to sort and categorise information and doing the card sorting helped with getting an idea of what to do." 

I found this visit really interesting and informative with the idea of user experience and user testing. I had no idea of the process that needs to be take in order to get a good result from user testing.

This is the bit of software that we used in groups of 3 to do our own mock user testing based on a scenario that we came up with. In the group one person was the moderator, one was participator and the final person was observing. 

"I found the visit to Clearleft interesting and really helpful. It was really good to see how user testing is done in the industry and what the process is like. Although it was a bit uncomfortable, I found it really good to work in groups and do our own user testing with the Silverback software. I found it useful experiencing both the role of the moderator and the participator and finding out the time which needs to be taken for the moderator in order to get the best user testing result."