Thursday 17 October 2013


IOS Guidelines
This website, gives the guidelines for designing with IOS.

This is a screen shot which I have taken from the site. It compares the look in iOS 7 (left) to iOS 6 (right) in which there a notable differences. The look of the iOS 7 looks far cleaner and in some respects more professional. 

"iOS 7 embodies the following themes:
  • Deference. The UI helps users understand and interact with the content, but never competes with it.
  • Clarity. Text is legible at every size, icons are precise and lucid, adornments are subtle and appropriate, and a sharpened focus on functionality motivates the design.
  • Depth. Visual layers and realistic motion impart vitality and heighten users’ delight and understanding."

The website is really detailed and breaks down the guidelines into different categories. 


This section describes the layout for iOS 7, the images gives the recommendation on the left and what isn't recommended on the right. The idea for the new layout is showing the more important buttons which you need to know and are likely to need to use.


In this section it shows mini videos of the gestures which are used on the new system.

This link takes you to this page.

This section focuses on the branding of the new iOS 7. Again it shows another recommended (left) and not recommended (right). The look of the recommended is cleaner, plain and there isn't any distractions on the page compared to the screen which isn't recommended.

Colour and Typography

This section shows the colour scheme and the typography for the iOS 7. 

It gives you points to what needs to be considered when picking the colours. The main point for the typography is the fact that it needs to legible. They also recommend that the font should be the same on one page rather than a load of different fonts, and looking at the images they put up it works much more effectively using the same font.

Graphics and Icons

In this section it looks at icons and graphics. In the first part it says that people generally judge an app's quality, purpose and reliability on the look/ design of the icon of the app, so the design of it is crucial and its important it is done correctly and effectively.

Integrating with iOS

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